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Swing Analysis Former Major League Scout

Some Reviews:

Expert Michael Williams offers Elite Video Analysis designed for the player who wants to capture his/her own swinging motion and compare it to the professionals.

"Michael Williams helped me when I was 16 years old." "He truly is one of the best hitting instructors in the country." - Aramis Ramirez, third base Milwaukee Brewers

"Michael Williams has worked in professional baseball for over twenty years." "I recommend Michael Williams to any baseball player 7 years and older." "He is qualified to fix any swing problem." - Leland Maddox, Former Assistant General Manager Cincinnati Reds

The Elite Video Analysis is designed for the player and coach to capture and compare motions in the swing for improvements. Your swing is digitally captured in action and synchronized so they can be displayed for analysis. Using our analysis tools, Michael Williams can quickly identify the inefficiencies in the swing or pitching motion.

Michael Williams